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Lent 2022 - Introduction

Join us this Lenten season as we prepare our mind, body, and soul for Easter!

We will start by stripping down the first three weeks; seeing where and how we need to purge or fast to better prepare ourselves for Christ. We will then build back up the last three weeks; focusing on how to properly fuel and nourish ourselves for His Resurrection and invitation to Eternal Life.

Our purges will be a challenge to finally get rid of that "one thing." That one thing that seems to be your constant stumbling block. That one thing that you know you ought to remove from your life but haven't yet. That one thing that is keeping you from entering deeper into relationship with Christ.

Please know this is meant to be a supplement to your Lenten journey. The Catholic Church provides all the guidance and framework you need for Lent, and there is always such a personal component to what fasting, almsgiving, and prayer look like for you. Use our weekly emails to get you thinking about some additional aspects to help you enter just a little deeper into your lent along with what you already have prepared/thought about.

We will be sending these out as weekly posts (IG and FB) as well as via email/blog, particularly if you will not be on social media for Lent. So be sure to sign up for the emails on our website or follow along on social media!

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