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Week 2: Purge - Mind

Wake up: music…

Breakfast: scroll…

Drive to work: listen to podcast…

Work: earbuds in…

Bathroom break: scroll…

Drive home: talk radio…

Dinner: stream the news…

Head for bed: pop the earbuds in…

We are constantly gorging our minds on information overload. Our pride tells us we need all of this info...but do we? This constant barrage of data can be nothing more than a flood of noise. But with all this noise, how are we able to hear the "quiet still voice?"

Just like we talked about last week, we seek to “feel” Jesus in everything but Him. We crave dopamine like moths to a flame. Each like, each Reel, each TikTok, is another hit. And we feel a burst of bliss…but once again we are ignoring the One that truly matters…

I think we can also deceive ourselves when the content we are consuming is good and quality. But regardless of how nutritious a food may be, if we gorge ourselves it goes from healthy to harmful. In other words, we need to check our calorie count of noise that can be disguised as "good" as well.

What is your “one thing” that you can remove this Lent to eliminate some noise?

Turn off the news? Delete social media? Abstain from inappropriate content (music, reading, visual)? Carve out a silent hour each day? Drive to work in silence?

Practical tip - write it down! Or leave sticky notes for yourself. If you decide to pray a Rosary on the way to work instead of listening to the radio, hang your Rosary on your steering wheel the night before. Or leave a sticky note on the radio so you see it when you go to reach for the dial.

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